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Level A2 - Daily French Conversations + Study Resources
À la boulangerie - Buying bread
Daily conversation #1 (2:56)
Le billet d'avion - Airline ticket
Daily conversation #2 (2:47)
L'écran cassé - Broken telephone screen
Daily conversation #3 (1:35)
À la pâtisserie - At the bakery
Daily conversation #4 (2:14)
À la station service - Buying gas
Daily conversation #5 (1:46)
Au cinéma - At the movies
Daily conversation #6 (2:04)
Au marché - Farmers' market
Daily conversation #7 (1:45)
La Fête des Pères - Father's Day
Daily conversation #8 (1:52)
Livre oublié - Forgotten book
Daily conversation #9 (1:57)
La randonnée - Hiking trip
Daily conversation #10 (1:41)
COMING SOON: Allons en Espagne - Hitchhiking to Spain
Daily conversation #11
COMING SOON: À l'hôtel - Hotel stay
Daily conversation #12
COMING SOON: Manger des glaces au lac - Ice cream at the lake
Daily conversation #13
COMING SOON: Le Métro - Paris Metro
Daily conversation #14
COMING SOON: J'ai fait tomber ma fourchette - I dropped my fork
Daily conversation #15
COMING SOON: L'addition - Check, please
Daily conversation #16
COMING SOON: Commander au restaurant - Ordering at a restaurant
Daily conversation #17
COMING SOON: Manger en terrasse - Eating on the terrace
Daily conversation #18
COMING SOON: Le maillot de bain - Trying on a swimsuit
Daily conversation #19
COMING SOON: Prendre le train - Train trip
Daily conversation #20
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Daily conversation #20
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