Let's see if this is the right level for you

① You're interested in bringing your French to the next level, but you're not sure which level is right for you.

② You want to make sure you're signing up for the right Masterclass so that you can make the most of the ten weeks we'll be spending together.

Let me take the pressure off of you. Once you've answered a few questions, I will be able to tell you if this is the right level for you or not. This is an important decision, and we need to make sure you sign up for the right class.

The following quiz is not to see if you can get the right answers to the questions. It is important that you read the questions carefully and that you check the answer that applies to your current level of learning.

Don't worry if you check "non" and it says your answer is incorrect.

There are no incorrect answers to this quiz, it's just to determine if this is the right course for you.

You'll receive a score at the end of the quiz, and that score will indicate if you should start here or move up to the next level.

The quiz has 25 questions, and each question corresponds to the 25 grammar themes in this level.

If you answer "non" to 5 - 10 of the questions on the quiz and score between 15 and 20, this is the right level for you.

If you score less than 15, be sure to go back and take the placement quiz for the beginner level and score more than 20 to be sure that the intermediate masterclass is the right level for you.

The actual course is much more in depth than the level quiz, and you can feel confident that this is the Masterclass for you if you scored between 15 and 20.

The point is to truly master the 25 grammar points covered in this level. If you honestly can't answer "oui" to at least 20/25 questions, then take this course, and you can be sure that you will achieve a solid foundation and move up to the next level after ten weeks.

If you score above 20 on this quiz, I encourage you to take the quiz for the next level to see if that's a better option for you.

Here are the links to all 4 levels of the French Masterclass:


Send me a message if you still have questions and wonder if this is the right level for you. I'd be more than happy to discuss your options with you. You can simply leave a comment or email me: [email protected]

See you in the Masterclass!


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