Voyage aux USA

In this sentence structure activity, you will see how simple French grammar moves gradually into more complex sentences. Be sure to repeat all of the sentences aloud! You'll notice that the English versions are almost never direct translations, which is interesting to note!

TYPO ALERT: 4:01 should read "On me l'a livrée" instead of "On me la livrée."

STEP 1: Download your lesson guide and take notes including new vocabulary and grammar points, but don't write the sentences yet!

STEP 2: Watch the video carefully and repeat the French sentences after Jennifer.

STEP 3: Take your time translating the English sentences written on your lesson guide. Just do your best, and remember that the grammar becomes more advanced as you work your way through the lesson.

STEP 4: Watch the video again, and correct your written work on the lesson guide.

Voyage aux USA - Lesson guide.pdf
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