Level A1 - French Dictée - Le Voyage
Dictation exercise of 40-60 words which covers A1 level grammar
Level A1 - French Dictée - Le Voyage
Dictation is the transcription of spoken text: one person who is "dictating" speaks and another who is "taking dictation" writes down the words as they are spoken. Among speakers of several languages, dictation is used as a test of language skill, similar to spelling bees in the English-speaking world.
For speakers of French, la dictée is a school exercise that aims at testing the mastery of orthography and grammar. Since many features of French grammar are distinguished in writing but not in speech, this can be a challenging task.
This A1 level dictée includes 40-60 words and the following grammar:
- Regular French verbs ending in ER, IR, and RE
- Reflexive verbs – Present tense
- Futur proche
- Passé composé with avoir
- Imperfect tense
- Direct object pronouns
- Indirect object pronouns
This lesson is included in my money saving FRENCH PROGRAM FOR SELF-LEARNERS.
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Your Instructor
Salut. Je suis Jennifer.
I've been teaching French professionally for over 30 years. I have a BA in English & French, and an MA in French language and literature.
My lessons and resources are comprehensive and structured in such a way that English speakers can understand and make sense of the French language while having fun, feeling relaxed, and with no stress.
I know what it's like to learn French as an English speaker. I understand the difficulties. I know what you need, and I know how to explain it. Teaching French is my passion!